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Traffic with conversion guarantee

100% Real Traffic That Converts Into Sales, Thanks To My Lead Filtering & Pre-Qualification Systems!

Hi, I'm Paraic Bergin

I'm a Chartered Certified Accountant, have a Master's in Operations Management and am presently doing a research PhD in quality and performance management, with a focus on Lean Six Sigma.

I trained with KPMG from 1986-91 and since then I've worked in senior roles across several sectors, mostly as a Finance Director, General Manager or CEO.

In 2003, I founded my own consulting firm and still run this as well as working in full time employment. 

I've been involved in internet marketing since 2004, both on my own behalf and also helping clients build and develop their online presence and business to increase their profits.

Like most internet marketers I found it difficult to get started and it took me a few years of wasting time and money before I learned to quickly distinguish between real opportunities and "shiny-shiny" distractions.

One of the hardest tasks for any newcomer is getting traffic, especially quality traffic. I'm almost ashamed to admit that back in the early days I was sending out postcards in the vain hope that they would turn into money. Of course they didn't and I eventually wised up. I was wasting both time and hard cash. Cash that could be put to much better use.

It was another journey of discovery (costing hundreds and thousands of $$$$ every year) learning all about the wrong kinds of traffic. Click-machines, bots, spammers - you name it, I spent money on it.

Maybe if I'd had a savvy mentor at the time I could have saved myself a lot of grief. But in the end, I began to appreciate that the quality of the traffic you buy or attract is the foundation stone of your online business, just the same as it is in the 'dirt-world'.

At the end of the day, we want human eyeballs on our offers. Better yet, eyeballs belonging to people who can buy. Best of all, belonging to qualified, proven buyers.

And that's what I'm offering here - real humans, pre-screened, validated, predominantly Tier 1, proven buyer leads.

If you're looking for cheap traffic, I'm not your man. If you're focused on CPC or click-thru ratios, I'm not your man.

But if you demand a low Customer Acquisition Cost and high ROI, you're in the right place.

Why Did I Get Into The Traffic Business When I Already Have Enough Going On?

I've a very busy life. I work full time as a finance director in an $4 billion a year corporation. I'm doing my research part time, have a stable of clients, some of whom have been with me for years. I'm married and we have 6 children aged 18-28. And anyone who thinks they're gone when they turn 18 is either deluded or doesn't have kids.

But as I learned more about doing business online I had to pay more and more attention to how, where & when I got my prospects, why they came, who they were and what they really wanted, as opposed to what they thought they wanted. Being an accountant, I'm a numbers man. And the numbers don't lie.

So it was a short step from buying traffic for myself and my clients to sourcing traffic for others. 

But it's a dirty business…

….And there's much worse. But what it boils down to is that it's harder and harder to find good traffic sources that will give you any return in the short term and show a profit in the medium to long term

In the race to the bottom, quality is the first casualty. Caveat emptor - buyer beware - it's not just a legal term, it could mean the difference between making money or losing your shirt.

So, what to do?

Get back to First Principles:

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and tastes great with orange sauce, it's probably a duck. Same goes for traffic.

If it looks too good to be true, it's probably a lie.

If it looks like a bargain, you'll likely get much the same as when you go shopping in the bargain bin in your local store...nothing of value. 

The traffic I source for you is from the very same traffic sources I use for my own and my clients' businesses.

I PRE-QUALIFY my leads. I personally ensure that the leads YOU get are not only unique but also responsive.

And I'm so confident of this that I give you a 30% conversions guarantee.

Here's Why MY Traffic is Different:

100% Top Tier Traffic With Money To Invest:

I don't deal with traffic that just clogs up your autoresponder and doesn't convert. I filter them out before they see your offer.

Fake Clicks = NO! Bots = NO!:

I use state of the art systems and software to catch the junk before it can do damage. You only get humans!

All Leads Pre-qualified:

I pre-qualify all the leads that see your offer to ensure they are highly motivated to try the solution/business opportunity you have to offer.

Traffic Hand-Picked To Boost Conversions:

I handpick the prospects that see your offer so you see higher conversions, more sales and bigger profits.

They Are in Hyper-Decision Making Mode:

The leads that survive my brutal pre-qualification process are highly motivated. Combined with killer copy that sells (written by my professional copywriters), this means these prospects reach your pages in buying mode and ready to decide.

Support (when you need it)

Whether it's before, during or after - even months after - I deliver your order, I'm here to help. Ask me any question, not just about traffic and I'll do my utmost to answer. And if I can't, I'll find you someone honest and trustworthy who can. 

Conversion Guarantee:

I guarantee you will get 30% or higher opt-ins to your list from my traffic. If you don’t, I'll keep sending traffic until you do. It might seem like a big world out there, but it's really very small and I don't see the sense in having anything other than happy customers.

I Offer My Guarantee For Three Reasons:

My Lead Qualification and Filtering Systems Are Best in Class

I put the work in upfront to ensure the quality of the traffic and leads coming out of our system is top class. No bots, no fakes. Real humans, proven buyers.

I've been around a long time and plan to be around a lot longer

I've been making money for myself and others, and helping people make money, for a long, long time. I'm not going anywhere and I happily stand over everything I do.

Success needs no explanation

It's all about results. Success speaks for itself. Explanations are excuses. This is a very straightforward business - you either get the results you want, or you don't. No waffle, no excuses - just results.

Here’s What Gets The Best Results
With My  Traffic:

My traffic is tailored for the make money online and the home business industry.

If you need traffic for a different niche, get in touch and I'll see what I can do. Either source the traffic for you, or introduce you to someone who's an expert in your particular niche.  I only offer the best to my clients, and that applies to referrals as well. Everything I do reflects on and impacts my reputation - I'm here for the long term and work on the belief that every positive action I take improves my overall position and offering.

Got doubts? Hit up the support chat, I'm always here to take care of you.


Your purchase is 100% Risk Free. 

If you don't get at least 90% Tier 1 on your ordered volume (plus 10% over-delivery), I will continue to send traffic until you do.

If you don't get at least 30% opt-ins on your ordered volume (plus 10% over-delivery) to your list, I'll keep sending traffic until you do. 

Wishing You Every Success,


Support Email: [email protected]

Facebook Profile: Click Here!

LinkedIn Profile: Click Here!

Let's Chat: Click The Chat Box In The Lower Right Corner

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